How we can help you do what you do.
The big picture
Education and industry are very different: They have different mindsets, different goals and even different languages. An advocate like Roundhouse can help you bridge the gap between the two, find common ground and direction, and ensure that every action is an intentional and high-quality effort.
Services for education
The K-12 and postsecondary education systems benefit tremendously from the involvement of a supportive business community, and Roundhouse can help you to engage them effectively. We can provide consulting, coaching, and training support to help you grow your partnership engagement efforts. Here are just a few examples of how we could help:
- Identify and engage prospective partners through research and direct outreach, then build those relationships through needs analysis and collaborative planning.
- Develop a comprehensive strategy for industry support, not only in traditional areas like supporting program quality and providing students with opportunity but also in areas ranging from recruiting, staff mentoring, and operational excellence.
- Build a model for defining and tracking the impact of your partnerships, both for your schools and for your partners’ efforts.
- Create needed documentation to support your work, such as advisory board handbooks or forms needed to effectively manage work-based learning.
- Train your staff how to engage industry partners, run active advisory boards and create and manage work-based learning programs that make a real difference in the lives of your students.
These are just examples; there are any number of ways in which we can help you connect with the business community. Contact us to discuss your particular situation and we can build a customized strategy to fit.

Services for industry
Young people are exploring their career options and making decisions about their futures well before they graduate high school, and industry is missing a major opportunity to connect with them during this formative period. At a time when Boomers are retiring, population growth is shrinking and skill requirements are increasing, taking an active role in early talent development may be the only remaining solution to meet your workforce needs.
A few ways we might help:
- Build a talent map: Identify all the educational institutions within your region, key characteristics (such as outcomes data or the existence of CTE programs), talent characteristics as available, and key contacts.
- Work with you to define your objectives, including models for defining and tracking return on investment.
- Build a strategy for working with schools, either locally (for chambers or large employers) or nationally (for trade and industry associations) to reach your goals for early talent identification and engagement.
- Contact and build relationships with your education counterparts in order to foster productive and sustainable “win-win” relationships.
- Train and otherwise support your staff members on education engagement, working with students, managing work-based learning activities, and more.
We will soon begin to release a series of guides and books designed to help industry and education partners build strong and sustainable partnerships and get real results for their efforts. The first will be a guide to running effective advisory boards; future guides will focus on strategic partnership planning, defining and measuring ROI, and building great internships. Look for more information coming soon!