Services for schools

How we can help you connect to industry.

The K-12 and postsecondary education systems benefit tremendously from industry support, and Roundhouse can help you to engage them effectively. We can provide consulting, coaching, and training support to help you grow your partnership engagement efforts. Here are just a few examples of how we could help:

  • Train your staff how to engage industry partners, run active advisory boards and create and manage work-based learning programs that make a real difference in the lives of your students.
  • Create documentation to support your work, such as advisory board handbooks or forms needed to effectively manage work-based learning.
  • Identify and engage industry partners through research and direct outreach, then build those relationships through needs analysis and collaborative planning.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy for industry support, not only in traditional areas like supporting program quality and providing students with opportunity but also in areas ranging from recruiting, staff mentoring, and operational excellence.
  • Build a model for defining and tracking the impact of your partnerships, both for your schools and for your partners’ efforts.

These are just examples; there are any number of ways in which we can help you connect with the business community. Contact us to discuss your particular situation and we can build a customized strategy to fit.